Since the recent release of the 2nd photo (above), which shows the back side of this custom design, I've developed a more complete understanding of the C-Armor, like how it's mounted, proportions, and the shape of fins and are bits on the propulsion units.
I didn't have everything figured out (I still don't), but I had a game plan and a clear first step: start with the GM Sniper II. In addition to being a very attractive design (way better than Nemo), there are a lot of built in design features that sparked inspiration for this project. Notably, the knee vents, calf armor, and flip down targeting visor-- even more, the shape of the torso provided great surfaces to attach extra equipment.
For starters, I added a larger lens to the visor using the MS Lens 01 option kit. Meanwhile, I started planning the kitbash menu. For the propulsion pods, Dra-C's shoulder pods looked like a great fit to double as boosters and ballast tanks. Additionally, the rectangular booster legs most resemble the C-armor's harpoon launchers. (As a side motivator, I've been impressed by land variants of Dra-C and have been aching to make my own). So Dra-C was my next purchase.
At Galaxy Hobby, I also picked up some cone-shaped metal parts, which looked perfect for the harpoon tips. I sawed off the angled veriner parts on the booster legs, and test fit the metal cones-- fits like a charm. I also experimented with the tooth-spikes included the in Builder Parts Balder Arms set-- I still haven't decided which looks better.
Unfortunately, this kit is still a bit pricey, and the rest of the base kit would look wrong without the boosters. What else has boosters like that? Maybe...Alpha Azieru! Particularly, the ancient 1/550 scale release. Many shops have this item listed at 700 yen, which is a great price point for this project.
I'm still not sure about this plan, but it's given me a lot to ponder.
In my next post, I'll try to post some of my concept sketches and WIPs I've started on.