Saturday, December 26, 2015

Methuss Ground Type Update

Sub arm and targeting camera added, and extra armor. I'm considering renaming this Methuss Heavy Weapons Type. Still need to add auxiliary stabilizers on the back of the leg units. 

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Concept: Gundam Barbatos, ver. Delphine

With all of the similarities between the Delphine (Break Blade) and Gundam Barbatos (Iron Blooded Orphans), I've been pondering what Barbatos would look like with similar armor and weapons.

Particularly, Delphine Form 3:


and the Form 4, with the great shuriken:

I like how the Barbatos (currently) doesn't utilize beam weapons, but it's design strongly conveys it's brute strength, preference towards heavy melee weapons and heavy armor.

RGM-79 [M] w/ C-Armor II, part 2

Here are some test shots for the core unit. The chest and front skirt armor are from Amazing Booster and the side propulsion units are from the LBX Sea Serpent (I will trim off the ball joints.) The side skirt stabilizers are from Dra-C.

Friday, October 23, 2015

RGM-79 [M] w/ C-Armor II, part 1

Since I switched the RGM-79 SP GM Sniper II, inspiration for this project has been flowing in, non-stop. Even more, this has allowed me to attempt a mass production version of the C-Armor, experimental underwater equipment developed for the RX-78-2 Gundam featured in Dengeki's Solomon Express.


Since the recent release of the 2nd photo (above), which shows the back side of this custom design, I've developed a more complete understanding of the C-Armor, like how it's mounted, proportions, and the shape of fins and are bits on the propulsion units.

I didn't have everything figured out (I still don't), but I had a game plan and a clear first step: start with the GM Sniper II. In addition to being a very attractive design (way better than Nemo), there are a lot of built in design features that sparked inspiration for this project. Notably, the knee vents, calf armor, and flip down targeting visor-- even more, the shape of the torso provided great surfaces to attach extra equipment.

For starters, I added a larger lens to the visor using the MS Lens 01 option kit. Meanwhile, I started planning the kitbash menu. For the propulsion pods, Dra-C's shoulder pods looked like a great fit to double as boosters and ballast tanks. Additionally, the rectangular booster legs most resemble the C-armor's harpoon launchers. (As a side motivator, I've been impressed by land variants of Dra-C and have been aching to make my own). So Dra-C was my next purchase.

At Galaxy Hobby, I also picked up some cone-shaped metal parts, which looked perfect for the harpoon tips. I sawed off the angled veriner parts on the booster legs, and test fit the metal cones-- fits like a charm. I also experimented with the tooth-spikes included the in Builder Parts Balder Arms set-- I still haven't decided which looks better.

But I still need something for the propulsion-- like a submarine propeller. You'd be surprised how difficult it is to find something like this. I struggled with this enigma for a long time-- in fact, this was one of the enigmatic barriers I ran into with Nemo Mariner: lack of nautical propellers. Submarines kits are fairly expensive, and there is only one propeller-- for my project, I need multiple. I began thinking about SD kits again, and this thought process reminded me of LBX. Sure enough, I found a nautical LBX called "Serpent", which was just what I needed!

Not only does this have the propellers I need, but also fins and other contoured parts. Did I mention it's around the same price of SD kits? Like I said, perfect. It also comes with a neat submachine/torpedo gun-- I'm sure I can put this to good use.

I'm still figuring out what to use for the propulsion pod "cones", since that shape is difficult to scratchbuild and find. One of my gunpla buddies suggested using the FA Unicorn boosters, and that got me thinking of other SD kits that used the SD Neo Zeong!

Unfortunately, this kit is still a bit pricey, and the rest of the base kit would look wrong without the boosters. What else has boosters like that? Maybe...Alpha Azieru! Particularly, the ancient 1/550 scale release. Many shops have this item listed at 700 yen, which is a great price point for this project.

I'm still not sure about this plan, but it's given me a lot to ponder.

In my next post, I'll try to post some of my concept sketches and WIPs I've started on.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

MSA-003 [M] Cancelled...GM Marine Project Restart!

I've been wrestling with the Nemo for a while now and I final threw in the towel. In an attempt to clean paint off, I went ahead and soaked the parts in non-acetone nail polish remover, because a friend told me other builders stood by this paint stripping method on a hobby forum. I didn't test it and I didn't blot the parts, I just threw 80% of the parts into a chemical bath. This is a noob mistake that I shouldn't have made, but subconsciously, I think I wanted to be rid of it-- so I killed this model.

I've never killed a model before, even poor designs, but I guess I got fed up with the Nemo. The design is ugly and the proportions are terrible. I am already working on the Methuss Ground use, and it's coming along better than expected, but I think I'm done fussing with a MS design that's Zeta-era and really ugly. I can't remember the last time I worked with a base design that I loved (I don't love Methuss, but I am a fan of the variable MA concept, which was carried forward in Z II and ReZEL.)

Nemo is very...soft, but still salvageable. Some of the parts are melted into an odd position (e.g. ankle cover is upright for stripping a broader area of paint) and I may be able to fix those. Moving forward, I'll probably use Nemo for a background or trashed MS in a diorama. Parts that weren't ruined include the torso, backpack, booster unit (Neue Ziel), orange visor and respirator/mask.

So what now?

Well, I still want to make an underwater type GM, so I'm restarting this project with a base GM that I like: GM Sniper II!

Interestingly enough, GM Sniper II was the direct predecessor for the Nemo, and somehow, the Nemo turned out ugly. The GM Sniper II was rated with the highest performance among GMs and for you Nemo fans out there, the Nemo was made 7 years after the GM Sniper II, so of course the Nemo's performance is better...7 years in technology is a long time so it should better!

In addition to the proportions, I like the rotating visor and the vents on the legs. The torso will give more surface area to attached ballast tanks and perhaps a harpoon launcher, but the backpack is similar enough to Nemo. Perhaps the most significant carry over from the Nemo Marine concept is the addition of a Z'gok claw arm. This could be salvaged technology grafted or adapted to the GM Sniper II, allowing the flexibility of one claw arm and one normal manipulator for grasping weapons. The Z'gok arm might also have an anchor chain feature to mimic an underwater grappling claw.

I am also returning the idea of the Solomon Express RX-78-2 C armor or a Hambrabi/stingray motif with an extension trailing behind the MS for propulsion.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Shaldoll Rogue ver. Wrecked

One of my long running projects this year is a modified Shaldoll Rogue. There are many things I like about the current design: the skull faceplace motif, the shoulders, the axe and gun arm---asymmetry works for this design. On the contrary, the MS seems kind of...naked and the gun arm is kind of plain. 

Image owned by Sotusu-Sunrise-MBS

The gun arm doesn't make a lot of 'sense' with the pirate theme, so what could I do to fix that? What kinds of weapons fit the pirate theme? I really like the peacock smasher fashioned by Crossbone Vanguard's X1 Full can i adapt and simplify that?

Conceptually, I like the idea of space pirates, like the Bisidian, being limited on resources and utilizing 'old' technology. Similarly, MS that get damaged or wrecked utilize make-shift solutions or patchwork repairs. Like traditional sea-fairing pirates, replacing severed limbs with a hook or peg leg. Not only do pirates find a simple fix, but they also find a way to weaponize it, which results in something crude but deadly. What would it look like if Shaldoll Rogue lost a leg? What would be used to replace it? What kind of weapon?

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

May 2015 Ruminations: Nemo & Methuss Custom Projects

Lately, I have had a lot of ideas about gunpla projects and I'm going to try to document them here.

Nemo w/Nautilus Equipment ver 7.0

That's right, I'm revisiting this Nemo project. In the past few weeks, I considered developing a propulsion platform that the MS could "hang" from. Ideas ranged from modifying Infinite Justice's Fatum 01 lift/booster or flipping over the Base Jabber (UC OVA ver) to utilize the built in handles. On the contrary, I also want the option of mounting the Nautilus on the Nemo's back.

Version 7.0 is inspired by ReGZ's back weapon system (BWS), which is a back mounted weapons platform that converts the unit into a waverider-like mode.

Similarly, I'd like to develop an underwater BWS unit that attaches to the Nemo, but can also be 'held on to' for towing the MS. For this project, I think the Build Custom Mega Ride Launcher (MRL) best meets these requirements.

Methuss Land Use (MSA-005G)

There's a diorama in Model Graphix's V Gundam mook featuring the Galguyu (an Abigor variation) during a waterfront base raid. One of the units is 'missing' the nose cone (because it can be used as an undersea missile). Without the nosecone, the Galguyu looks stout and hunchbacked--similar to heavy type MS like Doms. I would like to apply a similar concept to the Methuss.

Since the Methuss depends on the nosecone to protect the head sensor unit in MA flight mode. The modification would remove the excess nosecone and replace it with a compact weapon rack to mount a modified hyper mega launcher (from Zeta Gundam). The hyper mega launcher would be carried in MS mode at the hip, similar to LGaim Mk II, and could plug directly to the MS generator using the same system for the Mega Bazooka Launcher.